Monday, April 4, 2011

A Perfectly Awesome Weekend Getaway!!

Ben and I decided for our one year anniversary that we would go away. It took a little while to decide where we wanted to go. We thought maybe we'd go to Boston, but found that it was difficult to find a reasonably priced hotel near a subway station. Plus it was a five hour drive from here. Then we thought we'd go to Washington DC like we did last year to see the cherry blossoms. That was less expensive, but it's been so cold for this time of year. Last year it was warm and sunny when we went, it was so amazing. DC's only a four hour drive which isn't too bad. Then we came to the conclusion of Gettysburg! We were able to get an awesome price for our hotel which included a hot tub! Also, it was only a three hour drive.

We left after Ben got out of work on the 30th and got to Gettysburg around 11pm. It was so nice to just relax! We both needed a little escape from our daily lives. It's so nice to get away with my honey! I can't believe how fast a year has gone.

So the first full day we were there was a very busy day. We started the day by going to the Visitor's Center to get a CD we could put in our car to tour us through the battlefield. We ended up finding one that was a little cheaper at the American Civil War Museum. It took us about three hours to do and was really neat! Ben and I were both surprised how informative and interesting the CD was. We thought it might be really corny and boring. I'm glad we were proven wrong! 

After that we went back to the Visitor's Center and took a tour of the Cyclorama, watched a little movie about the Civil War, and then went through the museum they have. The Cyclorama was amazing! It's this painting that's 300 and some odd feet around by 30 some odd feet high. They had it displayed so nicely with different props at the bottom that blended in with the painting. It felt like you were standing in the middle of the battlefield as the fight was going on. The museum was pretty cool too. It had lots of Civil War items and uniforms etc. 

Once we were done there it was probably about 5pm. We went back to the hotel and got cleaned up and got ready for our anniversary dinner. We decided to go to the Appalachian Brewing Company because last year we had gone to Capitol City Brewing Company in Washington DC. We each had a stout beer and poutine (our ALL TIME favorite Canadian snack) for an appetizer. For dinner Ben had a delicious burger and I had fish and chips. I think my fish won the dinner contest betwixt the two of us. We always try each other's food or drinks because we're just that dorky! Then we decide which one's we like better. 

If you think we had done enough that day, you are sorely mistaken! After dinner, though a little tipsy, we took a ghost tour. That only lasted about an hour and had some neat ghost stories. Ben doesn't believe in that kind of thing and wasn't scared. I was a little freaked out when our tour guide took us out in a field that a battle occurred on and where mass graves once were. So needless to say, we crammed everything we possibly could in that day! 

We still had one more day to do things before we went home. So on Saturday we drove out to see Sach's covered bridge which was used by both the union and confederate soldiers during the Civil War. It was a beautiful bridge and we got some really nice pictures. We got a little over 500 pictures during our trip. It was at the bridge that Ben's camera died so I had to used my camera on my phone after that. Once we drove back to town we took the Jennie Wade House tour. Jennie Wade was the only civilian killed during the battle of Gettysburg. You could still see where the bullet came through two doors of the house and shot her in the back. After all that was done we ate lunch at Hunt's Battlefield Fries. We each had a cheese steak (possibly the best we've ever had) and cheese fries. Finally, it was time for us to leave. We had such a nice time! I love when Ben and I go away for a few days. It's great spending time with someone you love.

Everything else has been good. Mom and I started a diet and have both lost about 5lbs each. I just have to start going to the gym again! Well, I'll post a few pictures of our trip :)

This is where the battle first started on July 1, 1863

Eternal Light Peace Memorial dedicated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who's this weirdo?

North Carolina Monument

General Robert E. Lee Monument

My sweetheart <3

Eisenhower observation tower

Little Round Top

Big Round Top

Minnesota and Pennsylvania Monuments

Pennsylvania Monument

Some guy I really like...

Ben and I at the top of the Pennsylvania Monument! Go us!!


This were taken at the circle in Gettysburg

The train station Lincoln arrived at when he stayed here to give the Gettysburg Address

Look how cute these owls are!!

I wanted one of these Gourds but they were $56

Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln.

David Wills House

Sach's covered bridge

The first door the bullet went through at the Jennie Wade House (middle of the door)

The second door the bullet went through. It's also said that if an unmarried woman puts her left ring finger in it, she'll have a marriage proposal with in a year. I did let's see if it happens!!

The board Jennie was making bread on when she was shot

I WANT this chair! It's so pretty...

Ben and Jennie Wade

Jennie Wade House

Okay I think that's quite enough for today! I've posted way too many pictures. Oh, another good thing is that I've lost 7 lbs! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ben for the lovely weekend! I love you so much! I'm so glad we're together <33
