Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Where have I been? Well, August was really busy because Ben and I went on vacation to Colonial Williamsburg. That doesn't account for half of July and half of September... hmm.

Anyway, Ben got promoted which is so awesome. I'm so proud of him, he's come so far this year. He has to do training in his store for a few weeks and then has to go to Atlanta for three weeks. Three weeks. Three weeks without him. I can't even express how much I'm going to miss him. It's not like it's for a few days, it's for three weeks. Also, he's leaving on his birthday. I should be off the weekend before, so hopefully we can do something then.

I was so excited to have today off because I have the whole house all to myself. Mom and Mike went on vacation to Cape May for a few days. I am glad she's getting away for a few days. She never goes anywhere for more than an over night thing. So, I thought I'd have a nice day, just do my laundry, scrapbook a little, put on some Friends for background noise. Now I'm just a little somber. I'll live.

Another good thing is that I've lost 10 ish pounds. If you go by my scale it's 10 lbs , if you go by my work scale it's 12 lbs.