Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New to this!

This is my first time blogging anything, so you'll have to bear with me! My name is Jackie and I love to travel. I will be going to Canada with my awesome boyfriend in August. We will be going to Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, and Niagara Falls. We're both really looking forward to this because we REALLY need a vacation. We both have incredibly stressful jobs. To be honest, we may never come back from Canada. I've Been to Canada five times and I love it. If it was possible, I'd live there. The people are so different up there. In New jersey, people are always in a hurry and so rude.

Anyway, my boyfriend's name is Ben. He's such a sweetheart and I'd be lost with out him! He's never been out of the country, so it's going to really be an adventure in August! We're planning to leave August 15 when I get out of work and stop in Montreal. We're going to spend the next day there and the afternoon of the 16th, leave for Quebec City. There we'll stay until morning of the 19th and then make our way towards Toronto. After staying in Toronto for two nights we'll leave on the 21st to see Niagara Falls and then head home.

So lets see if it all actually happens that way! I always try to be very organized when I travel. I want to make sure we see what's worth seeing and eat what's worth eating and of course, have enough money for it all!

I suppose that's all for now. I'll post more about past trips and put some pictures up later.