Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good news at last!

Well, today (actually yesterday, but you know what I mean) I had ALL four of my wisdom teeth removed. My Mom, Mike and Ben all came with me. They're so wonderful to me. They've supported me during all this legal crap and now getting my teeth out. All of them have helped me with money because I'm so broke I can't even begin to imagine it. I couldn't ask for a better family and boyfriend. When I went in for the surgery Ben went to the store to pick up my new Sims Medieval game that came out today. That was so expensive, I don't know what possessed them to do that! The surgery didn't take that long either. I went in at about 10:20 am and was out around 11:30ish. When they woke me up I was laughing which was weird!! Plus, I got to keep my teeth!! I know, I'm such a weirdo :) The dentist prescribed me vicodin for pain which made me a little nauseous the first time I took it, but the second time I was fine. Ben thought those painkillers would make me very loopy, but I'm really not. I've been pretty coherent and feeling very well. I played my game for a while, made Ben some dinner, and played some Disney Scene It. Not bad if I do say so myself!! I thought for sure I'd be dead to the world for at least the day.

Getting my wisdom teeth removed wasn't the good news though. I finally heard back about my re-certification for my job and they'll extend it for the time I need. I cried when I heard the news. I've been constantly stressed since November. I truly look forward to not being so anxious and stressed out all the time. That is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank you guys for being there for me...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sleepy Still

Today I went to court again and was put in a program to get all these legal things cleared up. It's going to take a year for this program to be over, but whatever. As long as everything will be better in the end. So now it's just a waiting game. Another thing I'll have to see about is my job, but I really don't want to think about that right now.

On another note, I have to have ALL four of my wisdom teeth removed on the 22nd of this month. Go me! At least they're knocking me out for the procedure. I am pretty nervous because I've never been knocked out for anything ever! Well, if I die, it was nice while it lasted I suppose.

I am also glad to say that things with Ben and I are much, much better! I wouldn't have much to live for if I lost him. He has helped me out so much during this crappy time in my life. We've been together almost a year already. We dated for a while before we made it "official" so we're both not sure when to celebrate our anniversary. I think we're going to celebrate it on April 1st. That was when we left for Washington DC to go see the cherry blossoms. I believe it was when we were down there that I first told Ben I loved him. I'm so glad we're together. At least I'm ending on a happier note for a change :)

Ben and I sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial - April 2, 2010. This is one of my favorite pictures of us <3

We look like such goof balls here :)

Lincoln Memorial

Statue of Lincoln in his memorial :)

Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument

The cherry blossoms were gorgeous!

Jefferson Memorial with more pretty cherry trees

Inside the Jefferson Memorial

Close up on the pillars of the Jefferson Memorial

I loved the subway! The architecture was so interesting.
