Monday, July 18, 2011

Something to look forward to!

Ben finally got approved for his vacation time in August. So this means we're going away!!! I really look forward to getting away a few times a year. It really helps me to regroup. Ben and I both really need this vacation. 

We decided on Williamsburg for this years big trip! We both agreed that we didn't want to spend more than $500-$600ish. Well I was able to book a condo, yes, a condo for four nights at $450. Umm... can we say hell yes? Also, if we wanted to get the 7 day 7 attraction pass its $177 dollars. So, if I do my math right, it seems like we'll each be paying around $400 before extras. Since this is a condo we're staying at, we can bring food with us to cook! Oh, and the best part about it is, there's a jacuzzi! I am SO excited! I can not wait to get away with Ben! 

26 days...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ignorance isn't bliss

I've been talking to this person I used to work with for a while now. They are easily the most ignorant person I've ever known in my life. I can't even explain the depth of their stupidity! Is it really possible for a human to be so incredibly dense? How can you not want to better yourself? I can't imagine sitting at home jobless, not helping  to make dinner or clean or do anything but watch TV. Then they pick fights with me over something that happened with one of their family members. I'm tired of their pissy mood! Enough of that! Just had to get that out hehe.

So, good news for Ben and I!! We joined a gym! I'm very excited about this because we both need to get in better shape. I think we will be good motivation for each other. Yesterday we weighed and measured ourselves all over. Now we can keep track of how much we've lost.

Tonight Ben and I are going to the 3:10 am showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two in IMAX 3D. This is the last Harry Potter movie! I can't wait to see it. The midnight showing was sold out so we have to see the next one. It should be a great day.